Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tubal vs. Essure

I had my consultation today.  It was kind of funny.  I told him about the Balanced Translocation I have and he got excited like kid finding treasure.  I showed him a picture of the BT and his response to it was, “Those are really rare!”  Is it weird that I felt pride in being unique at that moment?  Then he looked at the pictures from my laparoscopy and pointed out all the issues he saw.  There were more than a few. 

                There was no question about getting this done.  I told him what changed my mind and talked to him about being Catholic and being sterilized.  He calmed my fears about it because he’s Catholic too.  That made me feel much better.
                I went in thinking he’d glance at my records for a minute before telling me I need this procedure and left with choices I didn’t know I had.  Today I discovered Essure.  It’s safer than a tubal.  It takes 10 minutes to do.  You don’t need anesthesia.  When you walk out of the office you can go about your business that same day.  Sounds awesome, right?  Well nothing is perfect.

                First I have reservations about it because it’s only been around for five years.  It scars up your fallopian tubes.  The scar tissue blocks the tubes.  I don’t know what side effects I’d have years after the fact.  I read on-line about some women who had this done and a few years later were bleeding heavily and were in pain though it’s not supposed to be painful; much like Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome.  Two women sounded as if they were describing menopause with the symptoms they’d had and one of those two ended up being out of work on disability.  There is a chance of an ectopic pregnancy but there is a chance of that with a tubal also.  My real reservation is I have to wait 3 months after the procedure to see if it worked.  During those three months I could still get pregnant.  If it didn’t work I don’t know what to do.  Hopefully, they wouldn’t be able to get the wires in because that happens to some women.  The wires aren’t supposed to be removable (but there are some doctors who reverse Essure).  How could they go in and give me a tubal with these wires in the way?

                If I were normal and having this done to keep from having more kids this is the option I’d go with because there are less risks.  My husband and I decided we wanted to be sure I couldn’t get pregnant.  There are more risks that come with surgery but they outweigh the downfalls of Essure.  I will call and give my decision tomorrow.  Next step is to decide when I can schedule this.  April and June are supposed to be out because Isaiah can’t take time from work.  We might get either my Mom or Mother-in-law to come help.  It will all work out.
                Now you all know when you decide you don’t want kids there is this shiny new option available.  Yes, there are downfalls but if you don’t have a medical need to keep from pregnancy this is a safer option with less recovery time.  It’s a lot cheaper to boot.


Unknown said...

The answer to this is almost certainly a "yes", since I can tell from your blog that you're thoughtful and thorough and you cover all of your bases...

But did you guys consider a vasectomy?

Rae-babe said...

We have considered that. It would be perfect on the religious end becuase he's protestant and for him it isn't a mortal sin so be sterilized. But I won't let him do it. My Mom is a widow so I know that we can never count on being here tomorrow. Why would I take away his fertiltiy when I'm the one with the medical condition? I don't know that he won't have the opportunity to have kids years from now and if I do kick it first *god forbid* I want him to remarry and have that chance.